

» Events

January 25, 2019

11. Interdisziplinäres Uro-Onkologisches Symposium 2019
promoted by: Universitätsspital Zürich (
Zürich / Switzerland

April 15 – 18, 2019

2019 Aging in America Conference
promoted by: American Society on Aging  (
New Orleans / USA 

May 15 – 17, 2019

XIV. Kongress der DGGPP
promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie (
Essen / Germany

May 23 – 25, 2019

15. Berliner Krebskongress
promoted by: Vivantes Tumorzentrum (
Berlin / Germany

July 10 – 12, 2019

The British Society of Gerontology 48th Annual Conference
promoted by: British Society of Gerontolgy (BSG) (
Liverpool / Great Britain

September 5 – 7, 2019

Gerontologie und Geriatrie Kongress 2019
promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie e. V. (
Frankfurt / Germany

November 21 – 23, 2019

43. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Hochdruckliga e.V. DHL® - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Prävention

promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Prävention (

Berlin / Germany


"International Relief Fund for Old People (IRFOP)" is exclusively financed by unconditional voluntary donations as well as through membership fees. Please send your written application for financial aids from the fund in English or German to the Manager of IRFOP by stating the reasons of your application:

Bahnhofstrasse 6
8280 Kreuzlingen

+41 (0) 71 677 50 77
+41 (0) 71 677 50 70

GERO has initiated the development of globally unparalleled audio-visual communication and assistance systems' "CyberCare".  Find out more

In Germany "Cyber ​​Care" is marketed by

CyberCare GmbH - Altenheim war gestern
Wessenbergstraße 13a | D 78462 Konstanz
Phone: +49(0)7531/1229340 | E-Mail:
Registered: Amtsgericht Freiburg | HRB 381515 |
CEO: Frank Mainzer, Dipl. Winf.

Funding Applications

In order to allow also currently financially needy access to the Cyber ​​Care Technology IRFOP accepts at request under certain circumstances the costs of a connection.

Requirements: Users are age 65 and older, receive at least five years of public welfare (Hartz IV in Germany). The financial crisis is evidenced by copies of official documents and certificates.

Applications for participation in the IRFOP support program we ask informally to address, written in German or English, our German partner organization:

Solidaria Seniorendienste e.V.
c/o CyberCare - Promotion Program
Lünener Strasse 88 / D 79174 Kamen
Phone: +49(0)2307/201910 / E-Mail:
Registered: Amtsgericht Kamen / VR 2033 / President: Helena Schell

Requests from Germany are checked according to their valid legal and tax conditions on their eligibility. Positive decisions applicants receive news from GERO immediately.

Relief projects

Presently, the following relief projects are supported by means of IRFOP:

Lady Di - Princess of Wales Foundation, Bucharest / Romania
Provision of daily care for aged and sick homeless people. Material donations and financial support.

Soteria Charitable Hospital Organization, Olsberg / Germany
Setting up an ambulance transport service in cooperation with the social welfare organization of the Protestant Church. Donation of an ambulance.

Jewish Community in Oni / Georgia (former USSR)
Construction and maintenance of a sanitary station and an out-patient medical service. Donation of an ambulance.

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Lüdenscheid / Germany
Provision of a rooming house for homeless women. Material donations and financial aids.

Fachklinik Melchiorsgrund, Schwalmtal / Germany
Setting up a housing and therapy group for mentally disabled and handicapped aged people.

Landschaftspflege- und Ziegenhof Pfeiffhausen GmbH, Pfeiffhausen / Germany
Promotion of social reintegration of former addicts, professional attendance and financial aid

Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte, Bonn / Germany
Financial promotion and professional attendance for the publication of information brochures on Alzheimer dementia

Graf-Recke-Stiftung, Düsseldorf / Germany
Setting up of an ambulatory Memory Clinic for patients dementia patients, professional and financial support

Evangelische Stadtmission Halle e.V., Halle / Germany
Promotion of the vocational integration of adults with mental and multiple handicaps



GERO has initiated the development of innovative and globally unparalleled audio-visual communication and assistance systems' "CyberCare" and this development scientifically supported. The system runs on the Internet and is strictly geared to the needs of elderly and old people. A nursing home placement and even an assistant living placement can be avoided now or significantly delayed. In order to allow also currently financially needy access to the Cyber ​​Care Technology, accepts the IRFOP at request under certain circumstances the costs of a connection.

In Germany "Cyber ​​Care" is marketed by the Cyber ​​Care GmbH of Constance.

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