

» Events

January 25, 2019

11. Interdisziplinäres Uro-Onkologisches Symposium 2019
promoted by: Universitätsspital Zürich (
Zürich / Switzerland

April 15 – 18, 2019

2019 Aging in America Conference
promoted by: American Society on Aging  (
New Orleans / USA 

May 15 – 17, 2019

XIV. Kongress der DGGPP
promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie (
Essen / Germany

May 23 – 25, 2019

15. Berliner Krebskongress
promoted by: Vivantes Tumorzentrum (
Berlin / Germany

July 10 – 12, 2019

The British Society of Gerontology 48th Annual Conference
promoted by: British Society of Gerontolgy (BSG) (
Liverpool / Great Britain

September 5 – 7, 2019

Gerontologie und Geriatrie Kongress 2019
promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie e. V. (
Frankfurt / Germany

November 21 – 23, 2019

43. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Hochdruckliga e.V. DHL® - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Prävention

promoted by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Prävention (

Berlin / Germany


The seat of the international gerontological research organization GERO is Kreuzlingen / Switzerland. Being dedicated to the support of science and international understanding to the benefit of Swiss interests, the Society is recognized to be a non-profit organization that is particularly sponsorship-approved and exclusively philanthropic.

Excerpt from the Statues:

§2 The Society sees itself as a free and independent international private initiative, dedicated to humanistic ideals and to the furthering of science and international understanding without regard for race, religion, political convictions or ideologies. The Society¹s objective is the promotion of international scientific research in the fields of gerontology, geriatrics, and related sciences, with the aim of improving the medical, economic, and ecological living conditions of the aged.
§7 Any natural person or legal entity who is willing to support the Society¹s goals financially may become an associative member of the Society. The support shall commence by signing a subscription and shall be restricted to the financial support of the Society goals by financial contributions to be paid on a regular basis.
§8 The Society Organs are:
  1. he Academic Senate
  2. the Scientific Advisory Council
  3. the Managing Committee (Secretary General)
  4. the Plenary Assembly
  5. the Auditing Department
§14 The Society awards the International GERO Prize. The prize is granted where possible once a year in the form of a science prize for exceptional scientific work as well as in the form of a journalism prize for exceptional journalistic work in the sense of the Society goals. In addition, the prize may be exceptionally granted in the form of a culture prize from case to case to the culturally active and to artists who have rendered unusual services in the sense of the Society¹s goals.
§15 The society awards the International Relief Fund for aged people. Upon application, social, medical, and ecological projects for sick and / or handicapped aged people will be financially supported with means of this fund.
§18 The Society may cooperate with other non-profit or charitable organizations, in particular with those which pursue the same or similar goals as those of the Society. The Society may also maintain or support common facilities with such organizations or may leave financial means or loans to such organizations against a payment or free of charge and / or may participate in such organizations.

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